An Ode To Dessa.


Just in case you had any doubts about that.

I think I am still soaking in the magnificence that was the Dessa performance on Tuesday.

Sometimes I don't realize how much I needed a day off, and some time with friends, until I get it. Does this ever happen to you? This was Tuesday for me.

(at the MN Orchestra, 2019)

As I mentioned in my previous post, March has been an extremely social month. I mean, I think that it is probably safe to say that I have had more people reach out to me in the past month than all of last year.

So, I took the day off, met up with a couple of friends. One for lunch, gabbing about books for a few hours, and then I met up with another friend to go see Dessa at Orchestra Hall. Overall, a pretty fantastic day.

But let's back it up a bit...

I first started really listening to Dessa when I was creating the playlist for my One Billion Rising event that I mentioned in a previous post. Her song,  The Bullpen, made it to the list, and to this day is one of my favourites of hers.

This song is perhaps most recently well-known for being the first song heard in the RBG documentary. (It is also in the trailer.)

Side note: It is a fantastic movie about a fascinating woman -  I definitely recommend seeing it.

The first time my friend and I saw Dessa perform was at the Fitzgerald Theater, where she was the musical guest for the one and only Gloria Steinem.

(Dessa performing next to Gloria Steinem)

The second time was Dessa's first time performing with the MN Orchestra.

(Dessa's First MN Orchestra performance)

Third was at First Avenue, on an unexpectedly cold day, almost a year ago now. The time of the concert had actually been pushed back an hour without anyone realizing it, so we were all waiting in line outside for an extended time where it was maybe  18° . First Ave. didn't turn a couple of their heaters on until fifteen or so minutes before the doors opened. But once we got in, it was great.

That concert was where I discovered the band Monakr, who opened for Dessa. I would argue that their cover of Massive Attack's Teardrop (most well known as the theme for House) is better than the original. Seeing Matthew Santos get on his tiptoes as he hit that one high note, then held it, gave me that magical chill down the spine that I can only get with live music.

(Monakr @ First Ave.)

It was especially cool to see because the story that I was working on at the time, and have been on and off ever since, involves a musician, and Matthew Santos' performance and the overall concert gave me a lot of inspiration. (Tyler Hilton has been another source for that story. I wrote about his music back in January.)

(Monakr liked my tweet!)

Going to see live music is one of my favourite forms of self care. Unfortunately,  I don't get to do it  often enough. Partially because of ticket costs ( the stupid service fees are now more than the tickets themselves). Then it really all depends on when and if a musician I like is performing in the area.

But when I do get to go to a concert, I love getting lost in the music. While I usually have to be listening to music while I write (as I am doing now), when I am at a concert, my mind is free. I get lost in the music. The present moment, or whatever.  If and when possible, I like to be in the front row. Some of my favourite concerts have been because I was close enough to not only be able to hear the music, but I could feel the music. The bass thumping through my chest, my whole body.  This is best achieved front row.

I usually go to concerts alone, one of the few late night things that I am (at this point) okay with being a single female at. That might be because  I have noticed that most of the other attendees at the concerts I go to tend to be females.

Or it might just be because I have no one else to go with and I refuse to miss out - fully aware of the therapy it provides. That said, if I had a friend to go with, I would be open to that...

There are a couple of  musicians that I do have people to go with. John Mayer with my sister, Dessa with my best friend.

You know those chills that I got when hearing Matthew Santos hit that note at the First Ave concert? I got those at this concert too.  And even though Santos was a supporting vocalist, it wasn't his singing that gave me those chills. It was everything. The power of the performance, the beauty of the strings.

What's cool about this latest concert, in addition to Dessa teaming up with MN Orchestra again, is that it is one of two that she is recording live. This is with the intention of having a Live at... record. Several successful artists have done this. No one part of The Doomtree Collective has done this, until now.

Doomtree Collective is a local hip-hop group, that has quite the devoted following. I can't say that I have actually listened to much of them, at least not that I am consciously aware of. However, as you can see, I support their female artist.

But Dessa is more than the only female of Doomtree. She has worked hard and paved her own path of success. With several solo records, a song on the Hamilton Mixtape, and a couple of books of poetry and prose.
(my copies of her books)

So , I haven't just seen Dessa perform her music. The first time that I saw Dessa live was at NerdCon:Stories, back in 2015, where she performed some poetry from one of her chapbooks. She also participated in some panels and games with such heart and humor. God, I miss that conference.

(Dessa performing her poetry at NerdCon: Stories)

Anyway, like I said, that conference is where I first heard Dessa's poetry and prose versus, music lyrics. I have since bought her chapbooks, my favourite piece I think might just be the one about the headache.

In addition to her poetic work, she also has a book of essays, My Own Devices. This book is a collection of memories growing up in the Twin Cities, in the music world - specifically hip-hop, and about being in and out of complicated love.

I actually saw her when she was on book tour. This time she was the guest of honour at the Fitzgerald Theater

(My Talking Volumes Program for Dessa)

My Own Devices, is definitely one of my favourite books that came out last year. And boy, do I have a fun story to go with it! At least, I think so.

Last summer, Dessa was definitely climbing the ranks of national and international attention,  a lot of stuff was happening for her.  Congratulations from the Hamilton Mixtape was being released, Her album Chime  had come out a few months before, and she had  announced her then upcoming book. I was still working at my previous job at the time. She was travelling quite a bit. (Pretty sure that she still is. )

Anyway. I was in the back of the store, discussing something with my former manager, when a coworker came back, saying that there was a customer who had a question about the TVs that had ads going in the store. I decided to get out of the way, when at that moment I saw who that customer was.


I completely fangirled (not sure if I have stopped yet). She was so chill. I let her talk with my manager, and when they were done, she was nice enough to take a photo with me.

I may look terrible, but I don't care. I got a selfie with DESSA.

(I hate photos of my self. But look! Dessa!)

What is also really cool, was that while I ran the social media account for the store, she reached out and asked if we would be interested in a poster of her book. Of course it was an immediate YES.

And sure enough, it arrived! I am pretty sure I hugged the box. I tend to do that. I then proceeded to miss her every time she stopped in the store following that first visit, even when she signed the poster.

(The signed poster)

However, when it came down to my last day at that bookstore, my manager agreed that it would be okay, that I took the poster with me.  I even tweeted about it, and got a reply from... you guessed it, Dessa herself.
(My tweet, along with Dessa's reply)

I now proudly have the poster on display in my apartment. I keep waiting for the day that she stops in at my new job. Knowing my luck, if she does it will be on my day off or something, but a girl has got to have dreams.

Her book, My Own Devices, is set to come out in paperback this fall, and I believe she will be doing another book tour. The paperback is available for pre-order now!

I would be ECSTATIC if her local stop was at Moon Palace Books!

I have a feeling that that isn't going to happen, but again: I am just a girl with my dreams. and my continuous fangirling.

As the great Dessa says : "Always A Bridesmaid, Never an ASTRONAUT!"

(From my new shirt, purchased at the latest concert)

For More Dessa:

For More Monakr :

For More Matthew Santos:

For More MN Orchestra:

For More Doomtree:
